VER Room
비너스와 우주뱀의 집: The Temple of Venus and Cosmic Serpent
비너스와 우주뱀의 집: The Temple of Venus and Cosmic Serpent
by Yujin Lee
27/01 — 24/03/2024
By Yujin Lee
Gallery VER is proud to present The Temple of Venus and Cosmic Serpent, a solo exhibition by Yujin Lee.
The Temple of Venus and Cosmic Serpent hosts totemic images, sounds, objects, and movements built upon a site-specific installation laid out in four colors–black, white, green, and red. Its fissures and portals carry stories of repentance that allude to folk art, animism, shamanism, taoism, and buddhism. The Temple is conceived out of an indicative circumstance from two years ago, when the artist killed a snake on the day of her third anniversary of living on Jeju Island.
On the 27th of January, a special durational performance will be hosted by the artist featuring a 7-track ambient album titled, Missing Accompaniments, to be released by Mystic Mammal, a musician based in South Korea. Starting at 17:00, the performance will last for 45 minutes, entailing 7 event scores to be enacted by the artist. During this one-night performance, the audience joins the artist in animating The Temple into a collective, multisensory experience. To RSVP, please see this link
갤러리 VER는 이유진 작가의 개인전 <비너스와 우주뱀의 집>을 개최합니다.
<비너스와 우주뱀의 집>(이하 ‘집’)은 토템적 이미지, 소리, 오브제 및 움직임을 품고 있는데, 네 가지 색(검정, 흰색, 녹색, 빨간색)으로 구성된 장소 특정적 구조물에 배치되어 있다. 곳곳에 설치된 틈과 문 사이로 민속, 무속, 애니미즘, 도학(道學), 그리고 현문(玄門)을 다각적으로 암시하는 회개의 이야기가 흘러나온다. ‘집’은 2년 전, 작가가 제주도 섬생활 3주년을 맞는 날 뱀을 죽인 암시적인 사건에서 착안되었다.