Sweet Boundary: In the Light Tube
Kamol Phaosavasdi as part of Bangkok Art Biennale 2018
Kamol Phaosavasdi (Thailand)
‘Sweet Boundary: In the Light Tube’ 2018
site-specific installation at Wat Prayurawongsawas Waraviharn(Temple of the Iron Fence)
2 x 12 x 2 m.
Collection of the Artist
His research and installation ‘Sweet Boundary’ (2018) at Wat Prayoon (Temple of the Iron Fence) retraces stories related to residue, objects and locality. The fence with cast lances, arrows and swords were ordered from Britain during King Rama III and paid for with the weight of the fence, referencing happy memories of the past when Siam and China were dominant in sea trade before sugar cane declined due to colonial expansion.
Source: Bangkok Art Binnale 2018